HAH Home Repair

Past Webinars: Helping People Stay at Home: Volunteer Home Repair/Modification

Wednesday, January 18, 2017 – 12:00pm – 1:30pm

As we age, our bodies often decline, making it difficult to do the simple things we were always able to do to take care of our homes.  In addition, once we’re on a fixed income, it becomes financially harder to fix major things that go wrong with our homes.  Consistently, across our region, older adults identify help with home repair and simple chores as their top needs.  This four-part series of webinars explores both a community and systems response to helping folks stay at home, or if that’s no longer an option, remain in their community.

Part one of the series focused on volunteer home repair/home modification programs.  The webinar explored how different kinds of volunteer home repair and home modifications operate around our region and told the story of the huge impact these programs have.  The webinar also included a discussion of how these kinds of programs can be sustained longer-term.