Past Webinar: Age Friendly Healthcare
Thursday, March 28th, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Join us on March 28th from 12:00-1:30 to hear how health care systems in northern New England are transforming the way care is provided to include an emphasis on what older people want and need.
Healthcare has come a long way in the past decade. Electronic records have made it easier for information to be shared across healthcare systems. Quality measures have been enhanced to include discussion of falls, depression, and other issues that have a negative impact on aging. Despite enhanced systems of electronic health records and quality measurement, the often frustrating reality is that much of what is important to older people is rarely captured in the data, such as quality of life, function and goals. Healthcare systems in northern New England are developing innovative solutions that emphasize the opinions, concerns, and values of older people and their care partners.
Age-Friendly Health Systems are changing what it means to age in northern New England with regard to healthcare by focusing on the domains most important to quality healthcare for older people. These include the “4Ms”: mobility, medications, mentation, and what matters. This means making sure older people have a mobility plan when receiving medical care or in long term care; reviewing medications regularly to minimize harm; addressing conditions that affect thinking and are common in older people such as dementia, depression and delirium; and incorporating what matter to the person, such as their values, goals and preferences, into all care plans.
Join us on March 28 to learn about the Age-Friendly Healthcare movement and to hear how the vision for an age friendly healthcare system is being implemented in by Concord Hospital and by Maine Health.
Leslie Pelton, Senior Director, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Tammy Vachon, Program Manager-Geriatric Programs, Maine Health
Keliane Totten, VP of Community Engagement, Concord Regional Visiting Nurse Association
Betsey Rhynhart, VP of Population Health, Concord Hospital