Past Webinar: Ideas & Experience Exchange: Wisdom Inquiry – Engaging Your Community
Tuesday, March 12th, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Join us on March 12th from 12:00-1:00 for this month’s “Ideas & Experience Exchange: Wisdom Inquiry”! This month we will focus on engaging community residents. We are thrilled to have hosts Martha Tecca, Candy Sullivan, and Pat Brown joining us to explore our challenges and successes as they relate to engaging residents of our communities in the age friendly work.
Martha Tecca will share some ideas from Community Care of Lyme, the only whole – community village in New Hampshire.
Candy Sullivan will talk about a roadside clean-up campaign that ended with aa community bar-b-que celebration. She will also tell us how the small community of Sullivan, Maine launched a successful health fair.
Pat Brown will explain how the age-friendly team in OOB organized Imagine, Dream, Believe, their first community street festival.
Join us to share ideas that have worked in your community to increase community engagement and to glean ideas from other age-friendly leaders!
Martha Tecca, President, Community Care of Lyme
Pat Brown, Facilitator, OOB Community Friendly Connection
Candy Eaton, Chair, Age-Friendly Sullivan