Life Planning Conversation: Preparing Staff and Volunteers
Tuesday January 16, 2024
Life Planning Conversation: Preparing Staff and Volunteers.
Advanced directives, powers of attorney, health-care proxies, and end-of-life plans: all very useful and important life planning tools, but it can feel overwhelming and scary to try and create them on our own. We all need support from a trusted person to help us use these tools to give voice to what matters most to us as we age. Often, direct service staff and volunteers are in a position to offer this support. In this webinar, our speakers discuss best practices to successfully engage in these important conversations.
Kate DeBartolo, Executive Director, The Conversation Project, MA
Anne Romney, Volunteer Presenter, Alzheimer’s Association, (ME, MA, NH)
Leona Oceania, Owner, Die Well Death Education, ME
Erika Marks, Director of Volunteer Services, Age Well, VT