Who We Are
Tufts Health Plan Foundation’s mission is to improve the health and wellness of the diverse communities we serve.
Our vision is to honor and support communities working to be great places to grow up and grow old.
What We Do
Through our community investments, the Foundation has given more than $45 million to Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island nonprofits that improve healthy aging. The Foundation funds projects prioritized by communities as they develop and implement age-friendly policies and practices that are relevant, focus on the most vulnerable, and include older people in the process.
Earlier this year, in collaboration with Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation, we awarded $1 million to support COVID-19 vaccine outreach and education in Black and Brown communities across five New England states. Funds went to five organizations in Maine and seven in New Hampshire.
In recent years, Tufts Health Plan Foundation has supported these New Hampshire organizations:
- Cheshire Medical Center
- Greater Seacoast Community Health
- The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester Inc.
- New Futures
- ALDA-Seacoast NH
- Black Lives Matter – Manchester, Nashua and Seacoast chapters (N.H.)
- Catholic Charities New Hampshire – New Hampshire Food Bank
- Catholic Charities New Hampshire – The CareGivers
- Concord Regional Visiting Nurse Association
- Farmsteads of New England
- Gibson Center for Senior Services
- Grafton County Senior Citizens Council
- Granite State Independent Living
- Granite United Way, COVID-19 Relief Fund
- Greater Sullivan Strong
- Monadnock Family Services
- Monadnock United Way, COVID-19 Relief Fund
- The New Hampshire Food Bank
- New Hampshire Public Health Association
- Seacoast Mental Health Center
- Spark the Dream
- Joseph Community Services
- Upper Valley Strong
- Tri-County Community Action Program
- United Way of Greater Nashua, COVID-19 Emergent Needs Response Fund
- United Way of the Greater Seacoast, COVID-19 Family Fund
- New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging (AHA)
- Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation (COAST)
- Granite United Way
- New Hampshire Women’s Foundation
- Amoskeag Health
- Concord Community Television
- The Granite YMCA
- New Hampshire Legal Assistance
Get Connected
Kimberly Blakemore
Program Officer
Email: [email protected]
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