Thanks for joining us at the Tri-State "Driving Community Home" Summit on November 28, 2017!

Nearly 200 policy, business, research, advocacy and community leaders from Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont joined us at the Tri-State “Driving Community Home” Summit on November 28, 2017 at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in Portland, Maine!

Across Northern New England, people in more than 150 towns, cities and counties are working to make sure older residents can thrive in their homes and communities. This inspiring movement is being led mostly by older folks who are redefining how we live in community with one another. They are building transportation networks, running home repair programs, hosting health fairs and educational events, and combating social isolation and loneliness.

The primary goal of the TSLCA is to help these community leaders be as effective as possible through shared learning. Our November Summit was designed to connect community leaders with each other and to valuable tools and information from local, regional and national experts to help them take their work to the next level.

Our participants were thrilled with the content and connections they made at this amazing learning event. Our goal of ensuring our participants left the event with the tools they need to take their work to the next level was met according to the feedback we have received.

We will be updating this page with presentation materials from our keynote and breakout sessions and images from the day!

Presentation Materials

Summit Session Book

Download TSLCA 2017 Summit Session Book


Keynote Addresses


Jess Maurer, Project Manager, Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging

Download Presentation Materials


Keynote: Housing Roundtable

Robin LeBlanc, Plan New Hampshire; Ben Frost, NH Housing & Finance Authority; Denise Lord, Maine Housing

Learn what’s happening in Northern New England to address the housing challenges facing older folks and get the tools necessary to start a conversation on new models of housing in your own community. Participants will engage in facilitated table conversations that model an effective community conversation.

Robin LeBlanc’s Visual Aid, Ben Frost’s Presentation Materials and Denise Lord’s Presentation Materials


Morning Breakout Sessions

Transportation Best Practices Panel

Learn what’s on the cutting edge of volunteer transportation initiatives in rural America and hear directly from local community leaders about how they started and sustain different models of volunteer transportation programs.

Carol Wright Kenderdine, Co-Director, National Aging and Disability Transportation Center

Download Presentation Materials


Evaluation Intensive – Prove It!

“Prove It!” a hands-on course focusing on the use of data and basic statistics commonly used in public health. This mini-session will include several key aspects of Prove It!, tailored to the needs and interests of the TSLCA membership and stakeholders. The session will include a basic understanding of why we use data and how to use data in planning and evaluation, conveyed through interactive and engaging activities.

Laura Davie, Jo Porter and Amy Costello, Institute for Health Policy & Practice, University of New Hampshire

Download Presentation Handout 1 and Download Presentation Handout 2


Afternoon Breakout Sessions

Taking Your Initiatives to the Next Level – Planning & Implementation

Dr. Kathy Black

Download Presentation Materials


Taking Your Initiatives to the Next Level – Coalition Building

Frank Caro, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Boston

Download Presentation Materials

Many Thanks to Our Sponsors
