Jess Maurer, Esq.
Managing Director
Jess Maurer began work as the Executive Director of the Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging in 2011. She advocates for healthy aging at the national, state and local levels on behalf of Maine’s five Area Agencies on Aging. She also assists the area agencies in strategic planning, program development & implementation. She provides leadership within Maine’s aging network, including on the Maine Council on Aging and Maine Council for Elder Abuse Prevention, to advance public policy initiatives that support Maine’s aging population. She is one of the lead authors of the 2012-16 Maine State Plan on Aging and of Building a Collaborative Community Response to Aging in Place. She was the primary organizer for the Speaker’s Round Table Discussions on Aging and the Maine Summit in Aging and is helping to lead the Maine Aging Initiative.
A licensed Maine attorney, Jess worked for nearly 17 years in the Maine Office of the Attorney General. In her last 7 years in the Office, she served as a Special Assistant Attorney General, implementing public policy and legislative initiatives for the Attorney General. Aging related policy initiatives include elder abuse prevention, prescription drug pricing and end of life care. She is a graduate of the University of Maine School of Law and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Kathy Willette
Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging Project Manager
Kathy Willette joined Maine Council on Aging in October 2023 as the Project Manager for the Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging. Over the past ten years, Kathy worked in non-profit leadership positions for organizations focused on increasing the capacity of Maine families to live healthy and fulfilled lives. This included creating systems to prevent the financial exploitation and abuse of older people, developing high-quality early childhood education programming, and overseeing implementation of family visiting support programs. Prior to these leadership positions, Kathy worked in direct service for several years supporting families and young children both in homes, and in community-based centers. Kathy is a graduate of the University of Maine School of Law, the Muskie School of Public Service, and the University of Maine, Orono.

Laurie Gilman
CHEF Grants Manager
Laurie Gilman joined the Maine Council on Aging (MCOA) in 2023. Laurie has spent much of her career at L.L.Bean. Her work included customer satisfaction, grants and community relations, and event coordination in Freeport. Laurie also worked at Maine Audubon as a project and event manager, and at the Harraseeket Inn as sales and marketing manager. Her passion for working with older adults led her to Stroudwater Lodge where she worked in resident engagement. She also volunteers for two town committees, Maine Audubon, and with her chorus, Women in Harmony. (Photo credit: Sharyn Peavey)