Academic and Research Institutes

Muskie School of Public Service, University of Southern Maine
U-Maine Center on Aging
University of Maine Cooperative Extension
University of New England Geriatric Education Center

This list is not exhaustive!  If you have a private or community college in or near your community, approach them to see if they have resources to offer!




State-based Aging Services

Community Action Agencies

Dementia Assistance

Alzheimer’s Association, Maine

24/7 Helpline for people with dementia and care partners: 1-800-272-3900
County-based community resources
Contact: Adam W. Lacher, Director of Advocacy & Communications

For a complete list of resources of dementia services and caregiver supports and services, go to the Maine ADRC page.

The Area Agencies on Aging offer trainings, newsletter, access to resources, and support groups for care partners.

Aroostook Area Agency on Aging: Call 207-764-3396 or email [email protected] for more information

Eastern Area Agency on Aging: Call Karyn at Eastern Area Agency on Aging, 207-941-2865

SeniorsPlus: Call 1-800-427-1241 for more information

Southern Maine Area Agency on Aging: Call 1-800-427-7411 for more information

Spectrum Generations: Call 1-800-639-1553 for more information

Maine schedule of Savvy Caregiver classes