The Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging has created nearly 100 webinars on topics that support lifelong communities and age friendly organizations. Here, we have grouped the webinars by topic so that you can do a "deep dive" into a topic that is relevant to the work you are doing.
Getting Started
Looking for the nuts and bolts needed to get a lifelong community started? These webinars will help you build a successful team, learn about your community’s strengths and weaknesses, and develop an action plan.
Residents have told you what is needed for older folks to thrive in your community. You have a great idea to fill a gap in programming. The problem is money. These webinars feature ideas to find the funds you need.
Managing a volunteer program has some of its own challenges. Watch these webinars to hear how other lifelong communities and age friendly organizations are recruiting and keeping reliable volunteers.
Communication & Outreach
These webinars will give you examples of effective advocacy and will provide you with tools you need to effectively spread the word about the work your lifelong community or age friendly organization is doing and to develop messages that disrupts ageist ideas
Communiites thrive when residents of all races, ethnicities, gender identification, and sexual orientation are welcomed . These webinars will give you ideas for encouraging diverse older residents to be actively engaged in community life.
Fraud, Abuse, and Exploitation
Fraud, abuse, and exploitation are serious problems. Learn about community-based efforts that are targeting the issue by addressing two key risk factors: isolation and vulnerability.
Health & Well-Being
Learn how lifelong communities and age friendly organizations are working to help older folks in Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire maximize our health and well-being.
Aging at Home
Study after study confirms that older folks want to age in their own homes. Learn how lifelong communities and age friendly organizations are working to make the dream a safe and viable reality.
When lifelong communities ask residents what the number one barrier is to aging in their own home and community, the answer is “transportation”. These webinars share ideas for increasing access to transportation.
Engaging Series
These conversations focus on ways that lifelong communities can increase engagement with the community, local and regional organizations, and funders to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of their work.